Bellezza, G.; Couégnat, G.; Ricchiuto, M. ; Vignoles, G. L. (2022) A 2D image-based multiphysics model for lifetime evaluation and failure scenario analysis of self-healing ceramic-matrix mini-composites under a tensile load. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 6391-6403.
Charles, C.; Vignoles, G. L.; Descamps, C. (2022) Low pressure gas transfer in fibrous media with progressive infiltration: correlation between different transfer modes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121954.
Leyssale, J.-M. ; Couégnat, G. ; Jouannigot, S. ; Vignoles, G. L. (2022) Mechanisms of elastic softening in highly anisotropic carbons under in-plane compression/indentation. Carbon, 425-434.
Vignoles, G.L.; Talué, G.; Badey, Q.; Guette, A.; Pailler, R.; Le Petitcorps, Y.; Maillé, L. (2022) Chemical Supercritical Fluid Infiltration of Pyrocarbon with Thermal Gradients: Deposition Kinetics and Multiphysics Modeling. Journal of Composites Science, 20 (20 p.).
Essongue, S.; Couégnat, G.; Martin, E. (2021) Performance assessment of the augmented finite element method for the modelling of weak discontinuities. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 172-189.